Pink Roses and Slips

Friends are the family we chose for ourselves. At workplace where we spend maximum of our waking hours, can we make real meaningful friendship? If you are in #HR can you maintain a good friendship? These questions I try to explore while I travel down memory lane.

The first Sunday of  August  is celebrated as World Friendship Day. My first memory of celebrating Friendship Day was during our college days, the celebrating environment, the excitement of tying bands to close friends, known faces and absolutely unknown faces !

The relevance of friends in our life also changes with passing years. During the earlier stages in my career in #HR, I was extra careful of not making friends within the organisation. The old school theory laid importance on #HR being the neutral member and having an unbiased opinion. Hence taking unbiased decisions at work place, maintaining confidentiality for sensitive matters and taking tough management  This  made it difficult to make close friends within the organisation.

As we approach August, I remember some of  my very close friends just disappearing away from my life. There were many reasons, interests change, common problems vanish or career paths differ. Though we loose connects with some good work pals who change organisation. The dilemma whether a Manager can remain a good friend continues.

On one hand HR has to be friendly but maintain the equilibrium of not getting too close. Most of us feel like a split personality, when you giggle with friends during tea breaks and at another time raise alarm when the tea breaks extends.

Some cautions in general when as #HR or #Manager we make friends within office:

  1. Personal information: Sharing too much of personal information and worries can form opinions. Every friend has a best friend. What you think was shared in confidence could be the latest grapevine.
  2. Taking tough decisions: When you have to convey a strong message or an unpleasant news, it is tough when as HR/ Manager.
  3. Professional rivalry : It is difficult to rule out professional rivalry which can happen between close friends.
  4. Goals : Our decisions are based on the goals we aim at, hence there are bound to be clashes , if there is no common goal.
  5. Feedback : It becomes tough when as a Manager you have to give feedback to your best friends on areas of improvement. 

    Some relations are beyond the boundaries of personal and professional realms! Lets continue our journey with good pals around 🙂


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