Simply Sadya :: Onam Celebrations

On its way,  is the Festival of Lights, Diwali

Though,  Onam is still lingering around for a Malayali!

#OnamSadya #CommunityOnamSadya is an event in itself. Our parents enjoyed 10 days of the Onam festival, and my generation enjoys a month-long Onam, hope this continues for the next generation too!

Onam Sadya with friends and community has been a part of our growing up years. This has always instilled a sense of belongingness not just to our Kerala tradition, the Sadya has now found its way to the community where we live in. The traditional Kerala Settu Saree has stolen the hearts of women across the nation. Every other saree lover possesses one of this precious attire.

Community Festival Celebration is the new norm. Nowadays it is not confined to a group of the same clan. The new generation, multi-caste weddings and close bonding between friends across different religions have indeed bridged this gap.

Onam Sadya 2022 was organised by Kairali Samaj, Kalwa at Shree Ayaappa Temple premises. This was an event to look forward to as this was one of the major events held post the lockdown. I was delighted to see my newborn niece to Octogenarians come together to celebrate this much-awaited event.

The Program began with the lighting of our traditional lamp, followed by beautiful traditional cultural dance forms. Our kids reciting the Sanskrit shlokas, reciting of Malayalam songs and performing to the traditional dance forms were a sight to see.

The Program convenor also felicitated the Warriors who worked selflessly during the lockdown to help the community. Shri U K Menon, Founder President of Kairali Samaj, Kalwa was felicitated for their various social contributions over the past decades. Shri Shashikumar President of ATMA (All Thane Malayalee Association ) was also felicitated for his various volunteering contribution. The selfless volunteers of Kairali Samaj were also felicitated for their contributions to making this event a success.

Gracious ladies performing Kayikotti Kali remained the highlight. 3-Gen ladies performed this traditional dance with sheer grace.

There were many performances by my trained and amateur nieces. My cousins also performed an Indo-Western between 2 gen. Whatta Delight!

Bright Kids who scored meritorious marks during prominent examinations like SSC, HSC, and Graduation were also felicitated. I and Mom were lucky to receive this in the absence of our kiddos.

A proud moment – Receiving the Certificates for my Kids with My Mom

One of the significant lessons from Lockdown was that for a human being, it is very difficult to survive in isolation. This has indeed created many physical and mental ailments.

A community get-together like this encourages us to go beyond boundaries. Stalls were also put up by budding entrepreneurs.

This celebration was an amalgamation of music therapy, dance therapy and laughter therapy.

It was another reason for #PillaiParivar to celebrate the get-together of their Gulf Cousins.

#KairaliSamajKalwa #KairaliKalwa #OnamCelebrations #Communityfestivals #FestivalsofIndia #SpiritofIndian #Enjoyfestivals #Feast #OnamSadya #Communityfeast #vknew

The memories of yesteryears are in the fragments of our mind, may this blog remind us of these beautiful moments, and the smiles multiply… till then #Vknew