PDF Series 9 : SareeSpeak Maasee – Sarees do Speak

This post is dedicated to a wonderful person whom the friends in my Saree Speak Community know. Now for the others, this group title you may find a bit weird. Well, this a community that encourages us to express ourselves and just BE!

Over the last few years, I started noticing Maasi’s posts very frequently and every time, she had a different story, a funny incident from her past, some international tales or something very trivial. All her posts had one thing in common, I found it very relatable. It often brought a smile.

Today on her birthday, how can I not forget the lovely drape she gave me, as her 70th birthday return gift. Only a magnanimous hearted one can give away 70 sarees (or was it more!!) that she gave away to her loved ones and I was among the lucky ones too!

Her stories are innumerable and she has so many of them. I have suggested her to start writing a book as well!!

I don’t know when will I meet her next, but for you Maasi- heres sending you lots of love!

I wrote these few words some time back and happy to share with all today!

Idol worship is passe’

I have started seeing divinity in people

It always existed

However one have to look closely

With devotion to see the Divine❤️

I saw this divine Maasi in April 2022

For me life has never been the same ❤️

I associate her with all things

Beautiful, grand , larger than life

And full of love 💗

Loving without expectations

Giving without receiving

And smiling endlessly

Is what this Divine Maasi is about 🥰

Buying for the divine

Was a lovely puzzle

With a heart of Sudama ,

I chose this Maharashtrian beauty

For my divine Krishna (Devi)

My heart is filled with joy


Accepting the gifts is an art

Not everyone accepts graciously

She accepts all the love

With more love “

#Vknew for #Maasi

Well that’s our Maasi , so graceful, so full of life and appreciating all the good things around her! On this special day I wish her nothing but more sarees, more smiles and more of more!!

I have met her only twice, and with but both the meetings she left us Sakhis – for asking for

“Dil Maange More”

Lots of Love


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V in search of the new n sharing what she knew...

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