Be the Change you wish to see in the World – Mahatma Gandhi

The summer of 2024 is a bit hotter than usual!  The polls in the background are one of the reasons too! Politics is not discussed as commonly among women, (I don’t have to remind myself as this is about #Vknew – the world as seen by my limited colourless lens). This passive behavior of women, I have noticed in our WhatsApp University and my close network. I am a proud member of various groups, and I have seen neither in my family nor friends group, women openly express what women want, especially about politics. The reasons could be many. Most of the women being educated, holding very high positions or equally intellectual, shy away from expressing themselves. They also may feel that there are better things to talk about. That is one of the reasons why you don’t see a diverse group of women leaders to elect from.

There are different and extreme political ideologies within my family also. Some discussion would get so heated with extreme views, so much so that Vknew easily quit some small sub-groups. I always feel that the sample size within my circle, can also be used as good representation of a larger group. However, in most of the other groups, I ignore to express. Oops, I have to be cautious about where this blog is leading to. Yes ,it all leads down to the selection of the right leader for one of the largest democracy in the world.

I can only say that the divisions are very obvious. While we were kids, it really did not matter to us who came from where what they ate or whom they worshipped. My best friend followed a different faith. Till I entered college, I did not know about many other religions. For me, my world was the very few ones I know. One practice I continue to follow is saying good night to all the 3G The Three Major Gods Vknew of) In some format I always prayed to the Universe. For me, it has been the same power across. I recollect one of my close friends saying that you guys are b#@&*y secular. Still, I choose not to wear my faith on my sleeves.

As we set to choose our leader, this time of the year, social media has smartly introduced us to great influencers. I must admit I have also been influenced by the influencers so much so that I tried to influence my close-knit to them. The narratives are interesting. I wonder if a similar strategy and memes influenced me to choose my leader a decade ago. Newspapers have the biggest impression on our minds in our formative years. It is only very late I realized that the news is a by-product of the publishing house, the main income is the advertisements that are published in the daily. The same goes for the respective channels. Finally, the decision is up to the individual.

Now that I shuttle between these two lovely countries, I cannot help but compare the basic support and infrastructure. Many schemes and facilities are being introduced for the people in India. Is it reaching the right section? Instead of complaining about what has not be done, if we as individuals focus on what we can do in our limited capacity, that is when the change will happen.

In my various roles in corporate and volunteering, I had the first- hand experience of POLLITrICkS. You have to be really a master at the game and thick-skinned to be amidst the strong players. “Lead, follow or get out of the way” – is the mantra. The #Vknew , mostly gets out of the way and try to carve her own path.

Good luck to all my country’s people! My heart always swells with pride for what we have given to the globe as a nation. Let us continue to set higher benchmarks for the generation to come!

If only we resonated genuinely the “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”a philosophy that inculcates an understanding that the whole world is one family. Let democracy prevail in the jungle of POLLITrICkS! – #Vknew